Sunday, March 27, 2011

What, Moi Opinionated ???

Last night I was watching my favorite channel, HGTV and was once again puzzled at the networks choice of host as well as her weird way of interviewing a prospective client. She had the couple try on hats and make choices from a weird collection of unrelated " junque" she had arranged on a table. In my wildest dream I cannot imagine asking any one of my clients past or current to try on goofy hats so I could determine their decorating style. In my ever so humble opinion Interior Design is a serious profession : often large sums of money are involved. Where do these designers come from?  What kind of design school trains these people to be so goofy?  The weird collection of furniture this person put together was a mess. It looked like she had shopped resale and garage sale bargain corners for the stuff NO one wanted. There is a jargon spoken by designers : we know the difference between a buffet and a console,or sofa table .They are not the same things. Anyway I hate to see this profession made into a silly bunch of people doing crazy things on TV with there spellbound clients oohing and aahing over what they have just created....Thank goodness for Mary Laham..............

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