Sunday, May 29, 2011

I'M BACK.......................

I haven’t written in the longest time …Well Let me tell you, it’s not been because I have nothing to say. I have been really busy and trying to get my head around my current situation…I have been trying to figure out what to do with myself now that I have moved to Austin TX. I feel like 2 years is long enough to get myself acclimated to my new surroundings and yet I’m still trying to get used to the lifestyle here. It’s very laid back in almost every way, every thing seems more casual than the most casual places I’ve been. …Not that I’m some formal kind of guy running around in a tuxedo and drinking out of Baccarat at every meal. I don’t even think I can lay my finger on my exact point and maybe I don’t need to. What I need is a JOB I need to get myself into a retail situation where I will meet 3 or 4 people a day. I need to decorate a house locally and get some people talking, have some one say” I love this’ …It’s been a while and we all like being appreciated. I also need to own up to the fact I have been dragging my feet coasting along on my DC clients, there has been enough business to keep me afloat but it would be nice to be swimming up stream instead of just floating.  My trip to DC this past week or so was both good and bad somehow I managed to mix up my meeting with an important client that will now  be postponed until later in the year. This can be an extremely slow and very time consuming business in the end the rewards are wonderful, but sometimes getting there can be really slow. I did meet with one of my favorite clients and select drapery fabrics after a year or two of looking. Some really fantastic poly silks in great colors and designs, not for the faint of heart I must say, but will be very cool upon completion….By the way these beautiful poly silks are really great they give the look and feel of silk taffeta and will NOT rot in the sun, and hold there color a lot longer than the real thing. Of course they are NOT the real thing but sometimes the REAL THING just isn’t practical and if a fabric rots after only a couple years how great is that………….  

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