Friday, June 10, 2011

Just a Little Story I Thought You May Like

Just to refresh your memories, I have done Interior design professionally for a LONG time I have had many clients from a wide range of backgrounds some educated beyond belief some just smart and then the ones that would make you wonder how they got where they are. Most of the clients have been a great pleasure to get to know and to help along there way. One comes to mind as I write this, we’ll call her Mary Ellen, of course I never called my clients by there first names in those days unless the asked me to (she never did) she was married to the president of a big international company. A tall thin good-looking man with a purse. He said very little, but she more than made up for his quietness. I guess he was actually a kind of elegant man, beautifully dressed and very well groomed. She was not herself any great shakes in the looks department but she was in great shape was well dressed and made up for his quietness. She had a great laugh loved to tell stories and I’m told was wild at parties. She also Loved her husband very much and was crazy about her children especially her youngest a son. I pretty much did her entire house and was around her for years. Her living room had one of the largest cocktail tables I’ve ever seen and beautiful whiskey colored cotton velvet tuxedo style sofas. The occasional chairs were from India and were olive green leather with carved walnut frames. The room was very large and looked out into a ravine and woods with a lake beyond. I hated her dining room furniture it was something Mediterranean with tall skinny chairs that I covered in a woven fabric from Craftex in ivory and sort of a caramel and olive green. I kept telling her to put it on the curb. In front of the sofas was a big rug from Cabincraft (a Luxury carpet line of the time) with big knotted fringe that people tripped over all the time. I loved it, hell I put it there. Her maid hated it. That was the fattest woman I have ever seen. I have no idea how she took care of that house, she was so short and fat. When she bent over you see all the way to MARZ and it wasn’t pretty. Mrs. Was especially outspoken, but not around the maid she towed the line around her. I guess she didn’t want to clean up that place herself, so she never made fun of her or was rude to her, as she herself was a fitness buff and a swimming coach to boot. I remember the front bath had beautiful Van Luit foil paper in chocolate with  burnt orange flowers that made horizontal stripes, in those days Van Luit papers were very high end not at all like today, they were beautiful.  There was a beautiful moirĂ© tied back shower curtain and a gold chandelier from Decorative Crafts… Any way,  I hope Ya”ll liked this Little trip down memory lane I sure  did. This is Not the tale I intended to tell.  Oh well there is always tomorrow….    

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