Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Hope You Missed Me

I must tell you all what has been going on in my life and why I have been remiss about writing.  I flew to Washington DC,where I visited several clients and attended an extremely important event. ( I was there 9 days thanks to my friend Ali) Unfortunately, the weather the day of the event was horrible. At noon on the dot as predicted it began to rain and it rained like HELL.  One of my favorite client’s middle daughters was being batmizvahed. Even with a hurricane it was a fabulous affair, on one terrible evening weather wise. Many of the guests simply could not make the drive to the hotel in such awful weather. But the party did go on, and it was beautiful. I had an absolutely wonderful time, I wish there was a photo of the outfit I wore. I’ll see if any are available, if so I’ll add it later. But for now you’ll just have to imagine me, in a Hugo Boss skinny leg tuxedo with a long sleeve horizontal stripe T shirt in black and white under, black suede tassel loafers NO socks. I’ll tell you it was a good look. The decorations for this event were wonderful as was the food music and mood. The tables had fantastic floral arrangements with wire musical instruments in the centre and another floral at the top so they were definitely a statement, but one that could be looked through so not to inhibit conversation. It was a wonderful evening. I really didn’t do as much business as I had planned while there as one of my biggest clients had an emergency. Those things happen. But I did see a few clients and perhaps accomplished a bit of business. As I have told you all before this can be a very unpredictable business, one never knows what is around the next corner. I’m missing a cocktail table from a room redo on Capitol Hill. This has become a nightmare, the rest of the room is coming along very well and I’m pleased about that. My client is being very understanding and I hope to get the problem resolved sooner than later. Another had an apartment purchase fall through. There were several people wanting it . I was really hoping to be able to decorate this tiny little 1850 sq ft on one floor residence for my client but it looks like they will be staying put for the near future. So life goes on, and still NO rain in Austin, AHH to be in Houston…

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