Thursday, August 25, 2011

Some times all this new technology is almost more than I want to deal with. Yet when I don't have it even for a moment or two I can hardly stand that either. Is this a sign of getting old ? Sometimes I wonder if I'll just end up a grumpy crazy old man. I once knew a woman, I actually met her when she was 90 she had been a psychiatrist, she was the tiniest woman I have ever met. She told me the only good thing about being old is you can say what ever you want, to whom ever you want , "they just think your crazy"...I guess that is kind of a small reward. But people are more rude today than they were in the 90's. Maybe they would knock you down and then think you CRAZY. Look at the way people walk around shouting into cell phones. They don't give a thought to whether or not someone else may not want to hear all this. I think when this happens one should start to sing at the top of ones lungs, I once started whistling and the person said they couldn't hear. I answered REALLY.....(I'm not sure if this man is whistling but he looks good what ever he is doing)

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