Sunday, October 30, 2011


Sorry I haven’t written in so long but, I’m really busy there is so much to tell, but I won’t  right now. I want to talk about Mrs. Jones. I have been trying to become employed as an Interior Designer for almost 3 years now. No matter what I seem to do I just don’t seem to get very far. I’m told to leave a resume or send one, or they tell me they don’t need anyone right now. There is NO one to interview anyone, absolutely no personnel director in any of the places I have checked it’s either some 24 year old sales person or no one at all to speak to. Once again I’m feeling left behind. It’s been so long since I have worked for someone else I have no idea how it’s done. While I worked for Mrs. Blow at the Vogue Shoppe, I was approached on the telephone by Mrs. Jones the Personnel Director at Jacobson’s Mrs. Jones called me set up an interview and saw me in person that was her job. She was a very flamboyant woman quite thin with ridiculous dyed black hair. I’m sure she dyed herself, probably in the kitchen sink . She was never without a PallMall100 constantly flipping that thing around left hand up in the air cigarette all over the place. Seems like she wore lots of red and she often wore full skirts. Remember Jacobson’s  was first and foremost a woman’s fashion store , so most of the women there had beautiful clothing, as they got huge discounts even on top of any sale price offered to the public. Mrs. Jones flew through the stores with her constant cigarette whirling and swirling and talking to each and everyone she came in contact with. She was a most gregarious person and everyone loved her I cannot imagine anyone feeling unfriendly toward her. She would stop and chat with this person and the other and one could hear her loud Ha Ha Ha laughter throughout the store. She was an artist in her field she got most of her hires as referrals from those who already worked there. I myself brought several people to the store including my Aunt who eventually outsold ME. She was a real master and they loved her she made lots of money for them. She found wonderful employees and actually met them each and everyone. I wonder if there are any companies out there today who have people like Mrs. Jones or have they all been sent to the pasture…..

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