Sunday, October 2, 2011


I must tell you I have rekindled a friendship with a beautiful woman (Persian) here in Austin. I first meet her and her Beautiful husband about 2 years ago and saw them a couple times and kind of lost touch. I caught up with her about 3 weeks ago at a Neimans event, and have seen her two or three times since. I’m not sure why I let this woman out of my sight we are so much fun together …you would all love us. Kind of, but not quite like Rebecca and myself. I cooked her dinner last week and made her a Mexican chocolate cake for desert. She loved it all, she brought her new man along we all had very nice evening. She has since left the husband in a corner somewhere and has an adorable boyfriend who is also very intelligent and quite nice to be around. I went out with her last night and I’m going to tell you she was the shining star in the room. Her clothing was beautiful. She wore an ivory pant suit, along with a leopard sheer sleeveless top. Her face was flawless, the makeup beautiful, and the hair is the dream of all17 year olds, and she aint 17. We met a very attractive man Andre’s from somewhere, I can’t remember. But this guy was good looking and had beautiful clothing as well. I thought he was gay at first, but then realized he was European. He walked up to me and asked where I was from” certainly not here” and we three struck up a quick little friend ship. He has something to do with European and fleet cars Hell I wasn’t really listening. I was more interested in the inter action between he and my friend. Good but no real chemistry however she liked him and said she would introduce him around if he emails her. I would like to keep in touch with him as well as he has connections in Houston, and Houston is my new dream home. ….

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