Sunday, November 6, 2011

Something To Think About

Right now, on, there is a video of a gay teen being attacked by another teen while the whole classroom watches. This is one of the most horrific things I have seen in quite a while. It is right up there with the girl being raped while the others cheered on the rapist… What the HELL kind of families do these kids come from? Is there so much violence in there own households that these things seem normal, is the attacker so afraid of his own sexuality that he must lash out at anyone perceived to be gay? Where was the teacher? Why didn’t any one of those kids try to stop the beating? I’m sure there had to enough to have been enough kids in the class who just thought this was wrong to have stopped this. Is defending a gay kid so scary to the others that they are just willing to let the GAY one get the hell beat out of him just because he may be GAY? I had an older brother who would smack first and ask questions later, and he had lots of friends. Had anything like this of happened to me the attacker would not have just walked out of school with a three day suspension. But in today’s world that isn’t the answer either. Why are these kids still so afraid of each others differences? Haven’t we all seen the anti bulling videos made by countless celebrities and why aren’t these videos working ? When I was growing up my family had dinner together EVERY night no excuses, we used Knives and Forks and ate off plates that were pottery never paper. The table was set and we all had our place at the table. This is when and where my parents found out about our lives we spilled our guts at the dinner table, my parents acted like parents, asked questions gave opinions and said things like young man I don’t ever want to hear about you doing something like that… One might wonder what kind of parents does  the ATTACKER have? I don’t believe I’ve seen any comment from them. Something is very wrong here…..  


         AFTER THOUGHT :

I can remember when my family moved to Hazel Street I was about 5, we hadn’t even moved in yet . I was standing looking out the screen door when a kid from around the corner walked by I yelled HEY FAT ASS and turned to slam the door I ran right into my dad’s legs OMG. He grabbed me and took me around the block to find that kid and apologize to him. The kid became one of my best friends growing up and has been a lifelong friend to my parents ,he still sees my dad to this day…Maybe the attacker should be forced to apologize and spend some time with the Gay kid, his fears may subside if he gets to know him…..

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